Team Building Ideas 


Cooking event and mini wine workshop with our sommelier and massage time!


*photographer and backdrop vender can be arranged 

Junior Chef Cooking Event

A three-day cooking workshop for 8 to 14-year-old junior chef.  They will be inspired during the process of food preparation and learn to appreciate the fun and hard work behind each meal. The learning include how to use kitchen equipment in a correct and safe way,  preparation of food such as peeling , dicing, searing, baking,  steps of cooking each dish.  

Day 1: Cottage pie 

Day 2: Beef Wellington

Day 3: Mac & Cheese

2 hours per session

Business Training Program 公司培訓

Our trainer Kit Ho from N'SayN has been working with multinational companies in the past decade to organize training program. There will be theory classes, as well, team members will be inspired through interesting events that will bring their hearts and souls together for future's challenge. 

About the programs and our trainer Kit Ho :

凡事都分為 1.沒有準備 2.有準備 3.萬全準備。培訓課程就是讓你的團隊有萬全準備,創造業務上更多可能性。



更多有關培訓課程及導師 Kit Ho :