Cooking Classes


手造正宗意大利麵 或 Pizza


Handmade Pasta Class / Pizza

2. 烹煮麵條/焗pizza(學員/導師)

3. 學員一同享用三道菜


意粉/pizza (二選一)

Handmade Pasta Vongole / pizza (學員制作)


Thredfin Aqua Pazza (意式水煮馬友魚)

Pan Fried Wagyu Striploin


Guest may bring extra food and drinks , stay in RENT-A-KITCHEN to enjoy party times and taste their own cooking after class ! 


每位港幣$700-750 (8位起),包場、包班出租廚房上午11.00--下午4.00 / 下午6.30--11.30 包場包清潔服務

$700-750 per person, minimum 8 people , venue and cooking class are for private hire, include venue rental from 11.00--16.00/ 18.30--23.30 and cleaning service


Chef Oliver 

曾打理多間正宗歐洲菜餚西餐廳,包括Jamie's Italian by Jamie Oliver、Ciao Chow Italian Cafeteria、 Osteria Marzia 、 Associazione Chianti等。