Cooking Classes
Handmade Pasta Class
無需壓麵機或輔助工具,亦可做出極彈牙的意大利麵!Homemade pasta with your bare hand, no machine is needed!
1. 意大利小食bruschetta分享 Bruschetta sharing
2. 學員親手搓麪粉,學習手造正宗意大利寬麵Pasta making session
3. 烹煮手造麵成 Make to Duck Ragout Pasta
4. 學員一同享用 Enjoy the food together
Guest may bring extra food and drinks , stay in RENT-A-KITCHEN to enjoy party times and taste their own cooking after class !
每位港幣$700-750 (8位起),包場、包班、連出租廚房上午11.00--下午4.00 / 下午6.30--11.30 包場包清潔服務
$700-750 per person, minimum 8 people , venue and cooking class are for private hire, include venue rental from 11.00--16.00/ 18.30--23.30 and cleaning service
Chef Oliver Ng
曾打理多間正宗歐洲菜餚西餐廳,包括Jamie's Italian by Jamie Oliver、Ciao Chow Italian Cafeteria、 Osteria Marzia 、 Associazione Chianti等。